Hi Winnie and Steve,
We've had many wonderful walks and hikes together, but one of my favorite walks with you was the hour or so we spent walking into Jordan Pond. I recall thinking, "Could I ever remember this route if Steve and Winnie were not with me?" It seemed like there were so many little turn-offs on the dirt road. Well, I guess that doesn't matter since we always did the walk together. I have to admit that one of the fun things about that walk was also the popovers, butter, jam and tea I knew awaited us at the Jordan Pond Lodge. Weren't they just the best!
While my mouth would water at the thought of actually having that treat again, I have truly fallen for the taste and wonder of baking with whole grain. Again, I think my learning from nutrition school tuned me into the health reasons for whole grain. Many carbohydrates eaten are so refined that they quickly spike blood sugar levels -- not so when the whole grain is used. We visited friends in France last year who have a wonderful family farm and basically eat all fresh and whole products. We even got the treat of fresh milk directly from their cow. I was given a lesson in making 100% whole wheat bread, and I just fell completely for the process and taste. I have now been baking whole grain bread for a year. I buy the wheat berries and grind them in my small stone mill over in the barn. Gene has started growing wheat in the fields across the road, but that is a story for a later time.
The loaves are getting pretty consistent, and we really enjoy them. Two have become my favorite. Yes, they do take time -- but they also bring a nice feeling of calm to the food process. In a fast-moving world this can be a nice antidote if one is inclined. One favorite is the Desem Bread in Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book -- although other recipes in the book are a shorter process. My other favorite is Barm Bread as developed by Monica Spiller. She even has a wonderful little kit with freeze-dried starter available to get you going. I admit, these are for those of us who really enjoy bread baking. But, I guess that can happen to anyone since it happened to me.
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