sauteed onions, carrots
sauteed mushrooms and peas
chopped parsley and mint
cooked barley
olive oil, salt and pepper
Hi Winnie and Steve,
I know it meant a lot to you when you started meditating with others in a Zen Buddhist circle. I think I must have been grousing once about chores in the kitchen, and you said to me, "When you are washing the dishes, be aware of the pleasant warmth and silky feel of the soapy water on your hands and how lovely that feels." I've thought of that many times while doing dishes -- and you won't be surprised, but that thought does make it feel different. A new acquaintance who is an artist, chef, pianist, metal worker, etc. gave me a book you would enjoy. It is called "Wabi-Sabi for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers."
The ideas in the book describe an approach or view of life quite different from the modern -- valuing the simple and rustic things in life. Now, maybe I'm stretching it, but I think some of these thoughts are true about food -- there is something wonderful even in simple foods or grains like barley for example. Here's an excerpt from the book -- again a bit different from the modern. "The self-imposed isolation and voluntary poverty of the hermit and ascetic came to be considered opportunities for spiritual richness. For the poetically inclined, this kind of life fostered an appreciation of the minor details of everyday life and insights into the beauty of the inconspicuous and overlooked aspects of nature."
Thinking of you. Donna
What a wonderful dish.....not only is it aestheticaly presented but the flavor AND texture were outstanding.
I love your postings and photos of your recipes. I always get new ideas and feel refreshed when I read your blog.
your friend, P.R.
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