Thursday, June 26, 2008

Potato growing

Potatoes from the garden

Roasted potatoes, sweet potatoes and celery

Potatoes a plenty
   roasted potatoes, sweet potatoes, celery
   sauteed kale
   minced dill
   shredded gouda
   olive oil, salt, pepper

Hi Winnie and Steve,

I always enjoy the times when I go out to the garden to get a few things for dinner.  To cut a few leaves of chard or pull out an onion is very satisfying -- it must be the appeal of freshness.  But little did I know that harvesting the potatoes would be the most appealing of all.  It is almost reminiscent of an Easter egg hunt.  To submerge my hands down into that soft soil all the way up to my wrists and while rooting around feel the smooth roundness of a potato beneath my fingers is almost magical.  This is the first time I have tried growing potatoes.  I know some nutritionists feel that potatoes are too starchy and without much fiber.  But pretty much these days if something is a whole food, I like to use it if it can be grown in my garden. 
Usually it gets cold outside after dinner here at the ranch, but lately the warmer weather has lingered after dinner many days here on the coast.  I went outside after dinner tonight to do a quick watering of the young winter squashes and new seedlings of kale and carrots.  There's something very soothing about that late light and warmth and the descending quiet.  It doesn't even feel like a chore -- would you tell me that this is Zen?

Thinking of you.  Donna

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