Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Carrots -- good taste and color

Carrot Bisque
   roasted carrots and onions blended
   salt and pepper
   sauteed garlic scapes and pine nuts
   drizzle of walnut oil

Hi Winnie and Steve,

Well, I've been trying this year to be a better vegetable gardener.  I don't have tons of experience, but I give more thought to the rotation of the vegetables in the beds.  My farmer friends say rotation keeps the plants and soil healthier.  I also make the effort to add a good compost or peat moss or both when I am preparing the beds for new seeds or transplants. Mostly things are going well with this effort.  I find some crops like beets and chard always are reliable for me. Other plants like beans are always a bit touchy to really grow robustly in my garden -- don't know why.  For me there is a lot of satisfaction to go out to the garden and harvest in the late afternoon for dinner.  That's what I did late yesterday.  I picked the last of the carrots out of one of the beds knowing I would make soup.  Today I will prepare that empty bed for new seeds.

I find the sharing of food and vegetables one of the nicest moments that happens between neighbors and friends.  There's something so fundamental about it -- a simple gift.  I love it when J. stops by with a handful of onions.  Or sometimes when I go to town and stop if I see T. out by his garden, he'll say to me, "Take some of these tomatoes -- they're real good right now." I scrubbed and wrapped a little packet of carrots in cheese cloth and walked up the dirt road to J's place so he could have them in time for dinner.  Something about the simple sharing of food makes life seem nice in the "slow" way.

Thinking of you.  Donna

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