Thursday, June 5, 2008


Wild watercress

Spring Salad
   wehani rice
   watercress topping

Hi Winnie and Steve,

I'm guessing that you guys have done some foraging at one time or another -- you know, searching out wild sources of foods -- usually plants.  There are some folks around my area that are comfortable enough with mushroom identification to forage for mushrooms.  I do not do mushrooms -- too serious a consequence.  One of my classmates at Bauman College also taught the identification of herbs for medicinal and food purposes.  The class came to the ranch a couple of times, and the number of wild plants with many uses was so interesting.  My friend R. in France who is such a good cook will often go outside her farmhouse just before dinner and harvest enough stinging nettles to make the most delicious dark green soup.

I remember reading that one of my favorite "treat" restaurants, Chez Panisse in Berkeley, had hired foragers.  Largely they were combing the nearby countryside looking for small organic farmers who grew exceptional fruits and vegetables.  One small forage I do is with wild watercress.  As we come down the hill on the last 20 minutes of the hike, there is a little ditch fed by a small spring that is quite clean.  When you know where to look behind other large bushes you can spot a small patch of lovely watercress that is just growing up again for the season.  I grabbed a handful yesterday -- excited by the deep green beauty and peppery pop of this lovely little plant.  You must think I only eat salads, but I do often have them for lunch in this season because I am warm from the hike and like the cooling vegetables.  This salad is sprinkled with watercress.

Thinking of you.  Donna

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